FotoMagico Thanksgiving Snippet

"May you live in interesting times" may or may not be a Chinese curse. But if times are as "interesting" as the current ones, it is even more important than usual to contemplate all the things we can be thankful for.

In this spirit, thank you for being a great customer. We wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving.

Our Thanksgiving gift to you is the FotoMagico Thanksgiving Snippet (Watch the Trailer). Quickly create a lasting memory of the time your family and friends spent together by taking your own pictures, adding them to the story, finish with some personal thanks and send out a great slideshow via YouTube.

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Introducing Splitscreen Pack 1

The Snippets in the Splitscreens Pack 1 save you a lot of time by providing 13 ready-to-use, gorgeous animated, multi-picture layouts that instantly make your slideshow more engaging and interesting. Just add your own pictures or videos and let the magic happen. Of course, you can always tweak and modify the snippets to create even more variety. (Watch the Splitscreens demo...)

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(Requires FotoMagico 5.2 or newer)

mimoLive 2.7: Instagram!

mimoLive 2.7 is out and apart from the usual fixes (there are so many that we decided to skip the usual beta test) it includes a sensation: an Instagram source which allows you to pull in images from Instagram!

You can use this for increasing audience interaction, or to have a roaming photographer submit photos to your live stream or to host a show talking about great Instagram photos you've found.

Once you logged into Instagram via mimoLive, you can pull images from your feed, your liked images, a search or another users public feed. The mimoLive source can show just the last picture or rotate the last couple of images posted.

Using the "My Likes" feed, it is easy to moderate posts to avoid showing offensive pictures in your live stream or on air.

Read the documentation...

mimoLive 2.6.1: HTTP API

The story behind the new mimoLive Remote Control Surfaces is bigger than it appears. The Remote Control Surface are actually based on a general purpose HTTP API. This API allows for controlling mimoLive with HTTP requests sent to the built-in web server. This opens up mimoLive to all kinds of interesting automation. For example, you could have mimoLive switch to a certain camera when a motion sensor goes off. Contact us if you want access to the HTTP API.

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