mimoLive 5.1 records audio, video tracks separately

With mimoLive 5.1, users can now record any video or audio source separately in addition to the program output. Referred to in broadcasting as "Isolated Recording" or ISO recording, allows you to record clean feeds of your video or audio sources for later editing.

One great use for this new feature is the Audio Podcast template. With this, audio podcasters can easily record a show with 1 to 3 remote guests and mimoLive saves a mix and the host and every guest in a separat file. (More info...).

In addition, mimoLive 5.1 fixes a number of issues and has some important enhancements.

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MacVoices from NAB, Las Vegas

When Oliver goes to NAB in Las Vegas, one of his favorite things is to meet with golf pro Chuck Joiner for an interview for MacVoices. This time, Chuck and Oliver were talking about how schools are using iStopMotion, how mimoLive is addressing the changing needs of video production at all levels, from live streaming to mobile, to the studio, and how changing customer expectations are driving those changes.

mimoLive – First Look by Guy Serle for mymac.com

Guy Serle takes a look at mimoLive for mymac.com to see how it stacks up against other alternatives such as the free OBS. He finds that, when it comes to live streaming, mimoLive is in a category of its own. "mimoLive is both the most powerful and easiest to use software currently made, and is a huge step up from free and inexpensive alternatives," Guy writes. "The possibilities in using [mimoLive] when talking about closed circuit, streaming, or the creation of videos for education or business is nearly endless." He likes that mimoLive is very easy to figure out and that "the UI is a fresh look at what can be done with all the options you might want. [...] Chances are if there’s a visual effect you need for your livecast, mimoLive will have it."