The Animation Chefs are Getting Hands-On at the SXSW Playground!

Congratulations and many thanks are in order - the Animation Chefs have been voted into the SXSWedu 2015 program, thanks to fine folks like you! We're so incredibly happy for them and can't wait to see them showing the SXSW crowd how to make the most of an iPad and use animation as a means to learn.

More about the Animation Chefs' talk, Put Academics in Motion with iPad Animation: Explore one of the oldest forms of filmmaking remade for tablet-based media literacy for the 21st century: learn how to put the art of stop motion animation to use in the classroom with the iPad. The speaker will guide the audience in the selection of a character, setting & problem as the Animation Chefs animate a digital film live on stage. Educators in all academic areas – math, writing, reading, science – walk away knowing how to tap into students’ minds through digital storytelling.

According to SXSWedu, "a Playground Hands On, facilitated by one or two speakers, is an instructional experience allowing the presenters to showcase a particular idea. Attendees are able to explore their creative side within the provided thirty minute time frame."

We hope to see you all out in Austin in March 2015! Be sure to check out the video above for a look at the Chefs' new Animating Kids venture!