Live Streaming 24/7 With BoinxTV is a Hoot

Excitement is afoot at the Click family residence in Oklahoma City, where a pair of Great Horned Owls known as Mr. and Mrs. Tiger just welcomed three new owlets, with millions across the world watching live. As of Monday, February 16th, Java, Malaya and Caspian have joined the family of Great Horned Owls who have called the Click’s house their own home for the past six years.

The Clicks – Jeff (dad), Deziray (mom), Alessondra (9 years) and Giavauna (4 years) – produce the popular live stream, Alessondra’s OKC Great Horned Owl-Cam, which can be viewed at all times on Ustream. As of publication, more than 5.5 million people from across the globe have watched the Tiger family nesting in a window planter on the exterior of the Click’s house. Now in its “fourth season,” the (human) family has live broadcasted the (owl) family laying and brooding eggs four consecutive years, as well as the hatching and fledging of said owlets. To produce the live stream, the Click’s use a Mac Mini running BoinxTV.

According to the family’s Ustream site, “the stream is output in 1080p directly to by a Taradek VidiU, a video encoding device that has a hardwired uplink to a high-bandwidth Internet connection.” Using a combination of Logitech C920 and C615 HD webcams plus two robotic Logitech BCC950 conference cams, viewers can watch the family of Great Horned Owls from a variety of angles around the clock.

Though the Clicks, with the help of dad Jeff, have four cameras set up, only two USB cameras can be connected at once to the hardware. All are connected to separate 30-meter amplified USB cables that run to their “tech closet” where the Mac Mini is located. Using BoinxTV, they can switch camera angles depending on which one has the best shot at any given moment, as well as display combined picture-in-picture and zoomed shots. The setup runs 24/7.

Be sure to tune in to Alessondra’s OKC Great Horned Owl-Cam to see Mr. and Mrs. Tiger and their brand new baby owlets, who will (hopefully!) be fledging within the next six to eight weeks! Visit the Click’s Ustream page for more information on Great Horned Owls, their live stream, and the story behind it all.