Newsletter: Spice up your videos on the cheap

It is a running gag in our home town of Munich that every year in mid-November, the public transport authority struggles with the surprising and sudden onset of winter. The first snow and frost of the season causes the doors on the trains and trams to freeze shut, the heating to fail and chaos to break loose. After all, with spring just barely over, who'd have thought that winter could come this fast?

This year, I can relate better than ever before. As promised in the last newsletter, we do have exciting projects coming – mimoLive (formerly known as BoinxTV), FotoMagico 5, and a new thing soon to be featured on the new Apple TV. But before we could get our parkas out of storage, winter has come and those things are not quite ready yet. (You can sign up for the betas, though!)

So, how about a little video magic to pass the time? Tobias Witzgall, a very talented media design student, photographer and cinematographer, has made us a new trailer for Boinx FxTiles, the 3D effects and transitions package we created in cooperation with FxFactory. Maybe a little inspiration on how to spend the long nights ahead to improve your creative design skills...

Coincidentally, if you need to spice up your Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro or After Effects projects, now, for only one week, FxTiles and all the other cool plug ins from FxFactory are 20% off.

Remember, no discount is worth getting beat up over, so click on over to FxFactory to save money safely right from your office or living room.

And definitely don't miss the next newsletter, where I will reveal the next big thing for your new Apple TV.