In Episode 5 of the Live Video Essentials, Leo explains everything you should know about Chroma Subsampling, a compression technique from decades ago that is still used on modern videos. What is 4:4:4, 4:2:2 and 4:2:0? Learn how you can reduce the file sizes of your video and what it means for the image quality.

Coming to NAB? We’ll be demoing mimoLive with NDI at the NDI Pavilion (booth SL5516). Learn how mimoLive fits into your existing NDI workflow as a powerful Swiss Army Knife, providing interactive graphics, charts, sports scoring, social media and much more as video with alpha channel to overlay on your broadcast. Or hear all about how with mimoLive at the core of your live video production you can best leverage NDI video sources to stream your show live to Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and more.
Also get a first glimpse at PhotoPresenter with NDI, an iPad app for presenting your photos in an interactive presentation.
We’d love to meet you and hear all about your exciting projects and how mimoLive could help make your vision a reality.

Each year, the Apple Design Awards are testimony to this fact: Europe has some of the best and most creative Mac and iOS developers.
Our friends at Creaceed pay tribute to this with their semi-annual 12★apps promotion, rallying top European developers around a common theme. This time it's "Creative Summer". All these apps are now available at a significant discount:
- Pictello (AssistiveWare): Create, read and share visual, talking stories in a breeze
- Wrise (AssistiveWare): Reading and writing accessible and fun for everyone
- GIF’ted (Bitfield AB): Turn your movies into animated GIF’s
- iSubtitle (Bitfield AB): Soft subtitled movies for your Apple gear
- QuickScale (CodingMammoth): Resize many pictures in seconds
- Hydra iOS (Creaceed): Amazing Photography
- Hydra Mac (Creaceed): Pro HDR Editing
- Carbo (Creaceed): Handwriting in the Digital Age
- VideoGrade (Flainez Apps): Color Editor for HD Video and Photos
- TiltShift (Flainez Apps): Miniature Effect for Movies and Photos
- SKRWT (Mjagielski): Lens & Perspective Correction App
- Colors (Tayasui)
- Sketches (Tayasui)
Boinx is participating with FotoMagico 5 Pro (which will be just US$74.99* until July 16th, 2017) and iStopMotion for iPad (which will be just US$4.99 on the App Store until July 16th, 2017)

A History of mimoLive: The Early Years
In a sense, mimoLive was born on August 11th, 1999. That was the day when we produced our first large scale live video stream on the Internet: The total solar eclipse of 1999.
I had become friends with Markus, the CTO of the largest website in Germany at the time, Focus Online, when we both worked for Apple touring Germany, Austria and Switzerland to train Apple Service Partners. Markus actually took a holiday from his duties as CTO of Focus to go on those tours, which had a brutal schedule, and after we finished our duties, Markus worked some more hours fixing his servers. He is that kind of guy. But I digress.
My former physics teacher at the Max Born Gymnasium (the German version of high school), was an astronomy buff. For him, the solar eclipse was the perfect occasion to get the students excited about his favourite topic, so he decided to put on a huge solar eclipse party.
At the same time, Apple was looking for use cases for the brand new QuickTime Streaming Server. I thought: Why not combine all of this and live stream the solar eclipse from the observatory – the largest school observatory in Germany - of the Max Born Gymnasium?
It was easy to convince the MBG, Focus Online and Apple and so, on August 11th, 1999, the observatory was stuffed with PowerMac super computers and a top notch Sony video camera attached to the telescope, ready to stream the event to the world. In the end, the telescope proved to be too powerful to be useful, so we just taped the Sony camera to the side of the telescope and pointed it at the sun directly, but the telescope’s tracking proved indispensable for keeping the sun in the center of the camera view.
Shortly after the live stream started, Markus’ mobile phone started beeping like crazy: One server after the other texted panic from overload due to too many watchers. Markus looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said: “That’s a job well done!” It was the largest online live event in Germany at that time.
None of us could have imagined that the enthusiasm for live video streaming born on that day would eventually lead to the creation of mimoLive – The Multi-In, Multi-Out Live Video Engine.
Apple’s QuickTime technology was way ahead of its time back then: We also produced 360° photos – called QuickTime VRs – of the event as shown in the cover picture of this article. View the 360° version over on Facebook.

Numerous customers were suddenly experiencing crashes with FotoMagico 5.3 purchased directly from our FastSpring store starting this Wednesday. The cause of this is an expired Apple issued developer certificate which has the purpose of making sure that the downloaded file is legitimate and not some malware. Ideally, the expiration of this certificate should not have an effect on already downloaded and installed apps, nor should it affect already signed apps in the distribution channels. Unfortunately, something is broken in the OS that causes the app to crash because of this expired certificate. Apple told us they are working on a fix.
While we wait for this fix, if you are affected by this problem, you can download the brand new FotoMagico 5.4 now, which we shipped yesterday and which, among other things, addresses this issue by being signed with a new certificate.
I'm sorry for all the inconvenience this has caused.
On behalf of the Boinx Software Crew,