Animation Inspirations
Apple UK recently posted an amazing micro site on the benefits of animation in the classroom. The site called "Animation Inspirations" ( gives a quick introduction, a lot of useful hints, examples and ideas by Apple Distinguished Educator Oscar Stringer of South Street Studios ( on how to make the most out of iStopMotion in education. The site shows how stop motion animation challenges the creative talents of students of all ages and why it's also a proven motivational aid for young people. The unique cross-curricular classroom activity aims to "Bring fun and excitement to multimedia learning."
iStopMotion available for eLearning Credits
Schools and educators based in the UK can now take advantage of the unique Curriculum Online eLearning Credits scheme when purchasing iStopMotion. iStopMotion reseller ICT Links has been approved by Curriculum Online as Content Provider and Content Reseller on behalf of Boinx Software. For more information got to the website at
Trainings and Workshops
For educators interested in the exciting art of stop motion animation, there are a couple of seminars throughout the month of June:
- ICT Links' "Running an Animation Film Project" London, June 16th Birmingham, June 23rd Bristol Summer schools (open for childen aged 8 to 16): 25th-29th July Leeds/Bradford, 1st-5th August Billericay
- Oscar Stringer - "Introduction to Animation" June 17th. Newham (East London) CLC
iStopMotion is available for download from A five day demo license key can be requested at Special volume licensing is available for educational institutions. Please contact the Education Sales Team or our Resellers for details. Contact Information can be found at
About Boinx Software
Boinx Software is a trademark of GeBE Computer & Peripherie GmbH, based in Munich, Germany. Boinx Software develops and publishes fun and easy to use applications for the creative user. Boinx iStopMotion is the leading solution for stop motion animation and time lapse capture for your digital hub and won the O'Reilly Mac OS X Innovators Award in 2003. Boinx FotoMagico is a tool to create and perform professional live slideshows and won the Mac OS X Innovators Award in 2004. Boinx iVeZeen turns your webcam into a digital camcorder. Information about Boinx Software and its services can be obtained from its website