Boinx Mouseposé - Does your Mouse seek attention?

Essential Tool

"Forget the laser pointer", says Oliver Breidenbach, head of Boinx Software, "Mouseposé automatically keeps track of your actions and focuses the attention of the audience wonderfully. Everyone doing tradeshow demos, trainings or presentations is going to love this." Early feedback from professionals in these areas suggests a high coolness factor for this tool.

But also individuals without an audience but with one of the latest high res, huge area displays may appreciate Mouseposé's usefulness in quickly locating the "tiny" mouse pointer on their enourmous screens for example when they return from a quick break.

How it works

With the Mouseposé application running in the background, hitting a user definable hot key turns on the Mouseposé effect, dimming the screen and putting the mouse pointer into a spotlight that makes it easy to locate. The desktop behind it remains functional, so that applications can be used while Mouseposé is turned on.

Free and available now

Boinx Mouseposé 1.0 is available for download immediately from the website It requires a free license key for full functionality which can be requested at the same location and will be emailed immediately.

About Boinx Software

Boinx Software is a trademark of GeBE Computer & Peripherie GmbH, based in Munich, Germany. Boinx Software develops and publishes fun and easy to use applications for the creative user. Boinx iStopMotion is the leading solution for stop motion animation and time lapse capture for your digital hub and won the O'Reilly Mac OS X Innovators Award in 2003. Boinx FotoMagico is a tool to create and perform professional live slideshows and won the O'Reilly Mac OS X Innovators Award in 2004. Boinx iVeZeen turns your webcam into a digital camcorder. Information about Boinx Software and its services can be obtained from its website